Wool Socks

Wool Socks in Little Rock, Arkansas

Walter’s is Little Rock’s go to place for comfortable wool socks!

Why should you wear wool socks to work?
Here are just a few reasons.
WOOL IS ODOR RESISTANT-Because of their physical nature, wool fibers naturally have anti-bacterial properties and are, therefore, odor resistant. This means they don't have to be washed every time you wear them. Indeed, they can be worn multiple times before washing.
WOOL KEEPS FEET WARM IN THE WINTER AND COOL IN THE SUMMER - It's true that merino wool will keep your feet warm on the coldest winter days, but that's because wool is a natural temperature regulator.  Wool is also a powerful tool to prevent overheating, making it a staple in many outdoor activity socks worn year-round.
WOOL KEEPS FEET DRIER - Wood fibers absorb perspiration volume greater than any other fiber or combination of fibers! Wool will absorb up to 30 percent of its own weight without feeling wet! The capillary action of wool carries moisture away from the foot and out of the shoes.
WOOL HELPS PREVENT BLISTERS - Wet socks create a harsh, abrasive action between the foot and shoe. Moisture keeps the skin soft and susceptible to abrasions, blisters and infections.
WOOL KEEPS SHOES DRIER - By dissipating or "bleeding away" perspiration, wool fibers prevent the shoe uppers from becoming saturated. Shoes that are always damp are the breeding ground of fungus.
WOOL MAKES SHOES LAST LONGER - Perspiration retained in the shoe deteriorates leather. By wearing wool socks to eliminate moisture, shoe life can be increased as much as 30 percent or 40 percent.
WOOL PROVIDES A BETTER CUSHION - Wool fibers are hollow... that's why they absorb moisture better than any other fiber, why they have a natural resiliency and cushion effect not found in any other fiber.
WOOL IS EASY TO CARE FOR - You don't have to do anything special when laundering your wool socks. You can pop them in the washer with regular detergent and everything else in the load. Many people do lay them flat to dry or even hang them just to prolong the life of the socks
Wool Socks Little Rock
Wool Socks Little Rock

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